Social Psychology is a field of Psychology which is to the fullest extent oriented at social problems. Pernicious habits connected with drugs and alcohol consumption, smoking and many other problems devastating health have become widespread in contemporary Russia. Various survey results show increase in harmful habits among the Russian population which have especially negative impact on women, children and youth. Alcohol abuse has the most devastating effect as it leads to breach of social behavior, corruption of a social status, abrupt decline in young adults’, women’s and their children’s health. Despite the immense effort to solve this problem or at least decrease it, it should be acknowledged these measures are not efficient as alcohol consumption remains very high in Russia and is still growing. According to the document of the world Health Organization (WHO) Rating of countries according to level of alcohol consumption per capita" (2013), Russia is among 188 countries by "decreasing" and is in the top five, taking the fourth place. According to WHO, the level of alcohol consumption in Russia is more than 15.1 liters of pure alcohol per capita.

The Humanities offer to find answers to questions about the causes, sources, mechanisms of occurrence of this social disease, ways of its treatment and precautions.

Profile of research laboratory activities

 The general theme of SRL research for 2014-2019 can be formulated as follows: "Socio-psychological factors of alcohol consumption by women and young people".

The general theme of research is explained in details in laboratory profile

Scientific profile

• to collect data of the prevalence of alcohol behavior of women and  youth;

• to prepare materials to estimate the prevalence of alcohol behavior of women and youth;

•to develop a model of alcoholic behavior of women and  youth;

•to develop  motivational technologies aimed at changes in alcohol behavior among women and  youth.

•to test motivational technologies aimed at changes in alcohol behavior among women and youth on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod region;

Applied profile

Introducing students into the methods of experimental psychological studies of alcoholic behavior, learning, motivation, social-psychological, and environmental factors influencing alcohol behaviors of youth and women.

 Practical profile

Establishing of long-term relations with scientific and educational institutions in the field of health psychology

Place of research work in the educational programs of the University14

•Students are taught to use methods of experimental psychological research, methods of data collection and analysis. Introducing students into the methods of experimental psychological studies of alcoholic behavior, learning, motivation, social-psychological, and environmental factors influencing alcohol behaviors of youth and women.

•Development of the basic academic disciplines, short-term seminars and trainings aimed at preventing destructive behavior of children, women and  youth

Participation of students in laboratory work

Participation in the events devoted to the International day of knowledge about FAS (September 9)

Participation in the lecture "Prevention of alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy /prevention FAS"

Participation in an experimental-psychological study.

Current and Target partners

• University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

• Saint-Petersburg state University (faculty of psychology)

• The Ministry of health of the Nizhny Novgorod region

• The Ministry of education of Nizhny Novgorod region

• Psychological Institute RAO

• "Childhood without violence and abuse"

Key results

•4 international and Russian scientific-research projects: Development of training materials on the prevention of FAS(Fetal Alcohol Spectrum) in Russia (2004-2005), Prevention of FAS(Fetal Alcohol Spectrum) in Russia (2005-2007), Prevention of FAS(Fetal Alcohol Spectrum) in Russia (2008-2013), a study on the prevalence and motivation of alcoholic behavior in today's youth (2014-2015)

•training materials on the prevention of FAS(Fetal Alcohol Spectrum) have been developed

•study pack has been prepared to evaluate  prevalence of alcohol behavior of women and youth

• model of alcoholic behavior of women  has been developed

•motivational technology aimed at changes in alcohol behavior among women and youth has been developed

•articles for Higher Attestation Commission journal, WoS and  Scopus have been published

• monograph "Social and psychological determinants of alcohol behavior of women of childbearing age" has been published

• research results were presented at international, national and regional conferences.

Research equipment:

Model room for training specialists in the organization of assistance to the affected child.

Contacts: building 1, room 411, phone: (831) 419-96-74