Minin University Student Council is self-governing body of students, created for development of youth social activity in 2006., Support and implementation of student initiatives and issues of life of the student community. The structure of the Student Council is made up by representatives from different faculties.

Chairman of the Student Council - Mariana Oslamova, student of the Humanities (History branch).

What are the benefits of the Student Council?

  • Personal and professional development
  • Experience in dealing with people and getting on with them
  • Experience in organizing and carrying out projects and events
  • Ability to participate in local, regional and all-Russian activities.
  • Cooperation with the deans and the university administration
  • Always being aware of what is happening not only at the level of the faculty, but also the university
  • Assistance in the implementation of students’ creative talents
  • Advantages at receiving invitations, vouchers and so on. D.

Objectives of the Student Council:

  • to foster civic culture of students, promote their harmonious development, the acquisition of own experience in affirmative action, self-organization, initiative, free choice, responsibility, morally valuable relationships in social environment and cultural life;
  • to ensure the implementation of the students’ right to participate in university management, assessing the quality of the educational process;
  • to assist in addressing the educational, welfare and other matters affecting students’ interests;
  • to form students' skills of self-government, to prepare them for a competent and responsible participation in social life.

Objectives of the Student Council:

  • engaging students in all issues related to preparation of highly qualified specialists;
  • development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account scientific and professional interests of students and graduate students;
  • protection and representation of rights and interests of students and graduate students;
  • preservation and development of democratic traditions among students;
  • promoting the University administration in addressing educational and scientific tasks in the organization of leisure , promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization of student social events, student conferences, round tables, exhibitions, reunions, and so on. N.